Rock Dove (Columba livia)

Paloma Doméstica (Columba livia)
Banner Feliciano Ferretti
 Report error  
 Kingdom:  Animalia
 Phylum / Division:  Chordata
 Class:  Aves
 Order:  Columbiformes
 Family:  Columbidae
 Scientific name:  Columba livia Gmelin, 1789
 English common name:  Rock Dove
 Spanish common name:  Paloma Doméstica
 Portuguese common name:  Pombo-doméstico
 BirdLife International:  Least Concern (LC)
 Sex:  Indistinguishable
 Life stage:  Adult
 Record date:  19/11/2018
 Country:  Argentina
 Province / department:  Mendoza
 Locality o protected Area:  San Rafael, Los Toldos
Detailed location information and coordinates are available exclusively to registered users.
 Belonging:  Exotic
 Condition:  Feral
 Certainty:  Photographed
 Breeding info:  No
 Identification discussion:  Enter the forum


 Photography ID:  299236    View full Record
 Manufacturer:  NIKON
 Camera model:  COOLPIX P520
 Shutter speed:  10/10000
 Aperture:  5.0
 ISO Sensitivity:  140
 Focal length:  125mm
 Creation date:  2017:12:07 08:40:32
 Using Flash:  No
 Publish Date:  11/19/2018 12:23:39


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